Quill pairing session: DELETE… RETURNING

01 Jun 2020

Quill pairing session: DELETE... RETURNING

4 minute read

Recently, someone has opened an issue suggesting the support for DELETE ... RETURNING clause. This post will take you through the joy of implementing it!

Pairing session 2.0 - the mission

Different from last time, we won’t be starting from scratch, figuring what needs to be done. Mostly because I’ve recently worked on update returning, the knowledge is fresh in my mind, which makes it easy to implement this feature.

We will be pairing, but this time I assume your knowledge on Quill’s codebase. The plan is simple:

  • Change Quill’s DSL
  • Make sure it translate properly to SQL

Let’s dive into the code.

Introducing delete.returning to QueryDsl

This is easy, we just need to add a method returning to Delete, which will return an ActionReturning:

sealed trait Delete[E] extends Action[E] {
  def returning[R](f: E => R): ActionReturning[E, R] = NonQuotedException()

Before testing, the knowledge acquired from update returning tells us to add QueryDsl#Delete to Parsing:

// line 919
private def reprocessReturnClause(ident: Ident, originalBody: Ast, action: Tree) = {
    val actionType = typecheckUnquoted(action)

    (ident == originalBody, actionType.tpe) match {
      // Note, tuples are also case classes so this also matches for tuples
      case (true, ClassTypeRefMatch(cls, List(arg))) if (cls == asClass[QueryDsl#Insert[_]] || cls == asClass[QueryDsl#Update[_]] || cls == asClass[QueryDsl#Delete[_]]) && isTypeCaseClass(arg) =>
      /// ...

When a .returning clause returns the initial record i.e. .returning(r => r), we need to expand out the record into it’s fields i.e. .returning(r => (r.foo, r.bar)). You obviously knew that ;)

Let’s ensure everything behaves as expected with some tests. delete doesn’t take parameters, so a few of them (a subset of the tests for update) will cover the possibilities in ActionMacroSpec:

"delete returning" - {
  "returning value" in {
    val q = quote {
      qr1.delete.returning(t => t.l)
    val r = testContext.run(q)
    r.string mustEqual """querySchema("TestEntity").delete.returning((t) => t.l)"""
    r.prepareRow mustEqual Row()
    r.returningBehavior mustEqual ReturnRecord
  "returning value - with single - should not compile" in testContext.withDialect(MirrorIdiomReturningSingle) { ctx =>
    "import ctx._; ctx.delete.returning(t => t.l))" mustNot compile
  "returning value - with multi" in testContext.withDialect(MirrorIdiomReturningMulti) { ctx =>
    import ctx._
    val q = quote {
      qr1.delete.returning(t => t.l)
    val r = ctx.run(q)
    r.string mustEqual """querySchema("TestEntity").delete.returning((t) => t.l)"""
    r.prepareRow mustEqual Row()
    r.returningBehavior mustEqual ReturnColumns(List("l"))

Changing SqlIdiom

There are actually two possible outcomes from the new delete.returning, depending on the Dialect:

  • PostgresDialect will generate the SQL DELETE FROM table RETURNING field1, field2
  • SQLServerDialect will generate the SQL DELETE FROM table OUTPUT DELETED.field1, DELETED.field2

The former seems easier, we should look at it first.


The first change we made in QueryDsl already covers the common case. We can see that adding the following test to SqlActionMacroSpec:

"returning clause - multi" in testContext.withDialect(MirrorSqlDialectWithReturnClause) { ctx =>
  import ctx._
  val q = quote {
    qr1.delete.returning(r => (r.i, r.l))
  val mirror = ctx.run(q)
  mirror.string mustEqual "DELETE FROM TestEntity RETURNING i, l"
  mirror.returningBehavior mustEqual ReturnRecord

However, something more complex, like returning with a query, fails:

"with returning clause - query" - {
  case class Dummy(i: Int)

  "simple with filter using id" in testContext.withDialect(MirrorSqlDialectWithReturnClause) { ctx =>
    import ctx._
    val q = quote {
      qr1.delete.returning(r => query[Dummy].filter(d => d.i == r.i).max)
    val mirror = ctx.run(q)
    mirror.string mustEqual "DELETE FROM TestEntity AS r RETURNING (SELECT MAX(*) FROM Dummy d WHERE d.i = r.i)"
    mirror.returningBehavior mustEqual ReturnRecord

The resulting String is actually:


Which is close, but incorrect. It lacks the alias for r. It happens because of the way SqlIdiom handles Delete at the moment:

// line 425
protected def actionTokenizer(insertEntityTokenizer: Tokenizer[Entity])(implicit astTokenizer: Tokenizer[Ast], strategy: NamingStrategy): Tokenizer[Action] =
  Tokenizer[Action] {
    // ...
    case Delete(Filter(table: Entity, x, where)) =>
      stmt"DELETE FROM ${table.token} WHERE ${where.token}"

    case Delete(table: Entity) =>
      stmt"DELETE FROM ${table.token}"

It generates simple DELETE statements, without creating aliases - it hasn’t been necessary up to this point. Let’s make sure the alias generation logic is in place:

protected def actionTokenizer(insertEntityTokenizer: Tokenizer[Entity])(implicit astTokenizer: Tokenizer[Ast], strategy: NamingStrategy): Tokenizer[Action] =
  Tokenizer[Action] {
    // ...
    case Delete(Filter(table: Entity, x, where)) =>
      stmt"DELETE FROM ${table.token}${actionAlias.map(alias => stmt" AS ${alias.token}").getOrElse(stmt"")} WHERE ${where.token}"

    case Delete(table: Entity) =>
      stmt"DELETE FROM ${table.token}${actionAlias.map(alias => stmt" AS ${alias.token}").getOrElse(stmt"")}"

This is the only change we need, all the heavy lifting has already been in place. We must cover it adding a bunch of tests to SqlActionMacroSpec, and another bunch to postgres/JdbcContextSpec.


Quill supports returning via OUTPUT for SQL Server, so the new feature needs to support it as well.

Once again, the heavy lifting has already been there. Having that in mind, we need to include Delete in the SqlIdiom#actionTokenizer pattern matching and add the logic to generate a query result with OUTPUT DELETED.fieldName - a slightly variance of Update:

// line 458
case r @ ReturningAction(action, alias, prop) =>
  idiomReturningCapability match {
    // ...
    case OutputClauseSupported => action match {
      // ...
      case Delete(_) =>
        stmt"${action.token} OUTPUT ${returnListTokenizer.token(ExpandReturning(r, Some("DELETED"))(this, strategy).map(_._1))}"

Last but not least, the new code needs test coverage:

That was quick!

Indeed, given our knowledge of the codebase, it wasn’t necessary to explore and navigate the code as much as last time, most of the time we could reuse solutions already in place. The long nights studying Quill’s codebase paid off!

If you are curious about the change as a whole, have a look at the pull request.
