Picking the best tool

18 May 2020

Picking the best tool

4 minute read

The best tool is often the simplest, isn’t it? Still, doesn’t matter how experienced one can be, once in a while passion overcomes logic.

The Problem

As mentioned before, I’ve been writing an API client to consume public data. The idea is reshaping the data and expose it in a useful way.

Turns out the API is not as good as I was expecting. Timeouts, inconsistencies and corner cases make it unreliable. At least there’s an alternative, I can download the data I need in CSV files.

The Plan

Let’s have a look at what should be done:

  • download a zip file
  • unzip it, the content will be the CSV file
  • change the encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
  • transform it in json
  • upload the resulting json to Amazon S3

The Passionate Solution

I started building the solution with ZStream. I mean, if one can build a Space Station with ZStream, it would be easy to solve such a simpler task using it as well.

Downloaded the byte stream, unzipped it… but I couldn’t parse the content to UTF-8 because the file is actually encoded in ISO-8859-1.

Maybe I could implement that myself? That would be fun! It’s very low level… could use the opportunity to write some Rust instead!

Stop right there!

Immediately, the picture of Tim Urban poped up in my mind:

the excitement of working with newer/nicer technology can affect our decisions, specialy when it’s a personal project and we don’t have deadlines.

I would probably have hours and hours of fun, researching and implementing a ZSink.iso88591Decode or finding the right Rust crate to play with.

I did neither. And still, I had a lot of fun! After getting back to reality, the answer was clear: bash tools were ideal to do the job.

The Logic (and smart) Solution

Downloading a zip file

curl is the obvious solution:

_download_zip() {
  echo "Downloading zip file from ${URL}"
  curl -f ${URL} -o ${ZIPFILE}

Unzipping and changing csv encoding

unzip is trivial, but changing file encoding with iconv was new to me:

_unzip_to_utf8() {
  echo "Unzipping ${ZIPFILE} and converting content encoding to UTF-8"
  unzip -p ${ZIPFILE} | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 > ${CSVFILE}

I could use two separate functions, but unzip is way to simple. Besides, piping the two commands saves the space of an intermediate file :)


I am familiar with jq, but using it to handle CSV is new to me:

_csv_to_json() {
  echo "Converting ${CSVFILE} to JSON"
  jq -Rsfc csv2json.jq ${CSVFILE} > ${JSONFILE}

See the csv2json.jq file? Coding it was the complex (and fun!) part - I had no idea jq has it’s own programming language!

def objectify(headers):
  def tonumberq: tonumber? // .;
  . as $in
  | reduce range(0; headers|length) as $i ({}; .[headers[$i]] = ($in[$i] | tonumberq) );

def csv2table:
  # For jq 1.4, replace the following line by:  def trim: .;
  def stripr: sub("\r+$";"");
  def trim: sub("^ +";"") |  sub(" +$";"");
  def noquotes: sub("^\"+";"") |  sub("\"+$";"");
  split("\n") | map(stripr) | map( split(";") | map(trim) | map(noquotes) );

def csv2json:
  | .[0] as $headers
  | reduce (.[1:][] | select(length > 0) ) as $row
      ( []; . + [ $row|objectify($headers) ]);


The csv2table function splits the input string on the separator \n, creating an array. All the other functions defined under csv2table are there to clean up the content.

csv2json takes the array, uses the first element as $headers and then reduce the rest of the array using objectify, which basically assembles every json object.

In summary, the script transforms this:

id department
42 Hitchhikers
13 Unlucky

into that:

    "id": 42,
    "department": "Hitchhikers"
    "id": 13,
    "department": "Unlucky"

In a functional way! How cool is that?

Uploading to S3

Another easy step, making use of aws-cli:

_upload_to_s3() {
  local s3_url="s3://${BUCKET}/${FOLDER}/"
  echo "Uploading file to S3"
  aws s3 cp ${JSONFILE} ${s3_url}

Final steps

Hygiene is a must:

_cleanup() {
  echo "Cleaning up"

The final result is that simple:

_download_zip && _unzip_to_utf8 && _csv_to_json && _upload_to_s3
trap _cleanup EXIT


The best tool to do the job isn’t the newest or the most interesting, many times it’s the simplest. It’s hard to define what “the simplest mean”, so I would say the main aspects to be considered are:

  • the return on time invested
  • the environment where the solution will live - and grow

Thinking about using the minimum amount of time, using existing tools, that I already know, is a better approach than coding from scratch. However, it’s easy to trick myself here: because there are no deadlines, one could argue that the time is being invested in the knowledge acquired while studying the new tool - as I did - what’s the perfect excuse to lose focus.

The environment where it will live is equally important; in my case the bash script solution is ideal because it won’t grow, it won’t get more complex, the problem is now solved. If it wasn’t the case, can you imagine writing a whole ecosystem in bash?

Something that works well for me that I’d like to share, regarding personal projects: don’t work all by yourself if you can. Having someone depending on the outcome of your work helps a lot to keep focus. Invite a friend to code with you or to play the Product Owner, that will help to keep attention on what actually matters.
